3244 Tupperware dinner party

1 month, 160 hours of train, 9 countries,...

Nederland, Norway, Finland, Poland, Austria, Rep. Czech, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey.
Dutch ceramic, Scandinavian needlework, Polish Amber, Bohemian glass, Vienese silver, Balkan wood, Turkish carpet.
Mug, Plate, Table cloth, Napkin, Napkin Ring, Glass, Carafe, Candle Holder, Salt Cellar, Cuttlery, Tea Pot, Tea Cup, Table, Carpet, Chair, Bowl, Spoon, Trunk.

This blog was the diary of my journey through Europe. From Norway to Turkey, I met with different artists, different craftmen, different cultures and places...
You can click on older post or in the archive click on the different countries. thank-you

Wednesday, May 11, 2011



During the war, a tv channel threw away a whole
library of pictures given by the agency Magnum.
This pictures were picked up by Gypsies from the 
trash then sold on Markets where Lidija's father in 
law bought them. A lot of them are from Cartier 

Lidija's father in law is a big collector, I had the
opportunity to meet with his private collection.

Chair from 1907, designed by Dragustin Inkiostri-Medenjak.
The first designer of furniture and other objects of applied art
in Serbia strove to combine in his works all the artistic media
with a unique spirit of folk arnaments. He used stylized motifs
 from distaffs, carpets, embroidery, lace, folk costumes and the 
picturesque facades of medieval architecture.

The Museum of Applied Art was founded on 1950.

Museum of Applied Art, Belgrad.

The XIX century Serbian Costume, lithography (detail)
by Anastas Jovanovic.

Serbia is a country that lost its connection to its roots in a way.
Wondering about traditions, I understood that Serbian culture
had to face many type of invasions. In the last 60 years, It was first 
Socialism and Tito who erased the past to establish the 
Yougoslav Unity. then the explosion of the Balkans and the transition
of Socialism to Capitalism. It is a country in a way that is figuring out 
its identity still. In Belgrad, the museum of Modern Art is closed
since few years, the applied Art Museum collection is quite small.
It feels like it is a culture that need to heal and reborn.

A little child in the baby holder, "dubak", Gibarak village
in Banat, year 1957.

A baby in the cradle.

Family Life, painting by V. Titelbah, 1904.

A wood torch.

Stolovaca chair
For the head of the family or an important guest.

Balkan wood bowl.


In the country side, low tables and stools were used as dining table.
Stool with three legs.

Costume room in the museum.

Female Embroweded coat "DZUBE", Priznen,
XIX century.

A female head-dress, "tarpos", fromRadevina region.
A female cap, "roga"( "with horns") in Podrinje.

Bride's cap "smiljevac
Sumadija, XIX century.

The ethnographic museum

Housing has been one of the basic needs of humankind from 
earliest times. The evolution of material culture, and particularly 
housing culture, has always been deeply woven into everyday life,
bringing with it many joys but also tribulations.