3244 Tupperware dinner party

1 month, 160 hours of train, 9 countries,...

Nederland, Norway, Finland, Poland, Austria, Rep. Czech, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey.
Dutch ceramic, Scandinavian needlework, Polish Amber, Bohemian glass, Vienese silver, Balkan wood, Turkish carpet.
Mug, Plate, Table cloth, Napkin, Napkin Ring, Glass, Carafe, Candle Holder, Salt Cellar, Cuttlery, Tea Pot, Tea Cup, Table, Carpet, Chair, Bowl, Spoon, Trunk.

This blog was the diary of my journey through Europe. From Norway to Turkey, I met with different artists, different craftmen, different cultures and places...
You can click on older post or in the archive click on the different countries. thank-you

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I will be more precise about this information. But clearly,
it sounds like the majority of the amber market is illegal because
the bureaucratic process of making it legal is "absurd".
I visited one of this amber collector and seller.

Our collect
Enough to make 16 napking rings?

Looking for Amber. Clean shore with only sea shell is not good
to find Amber. But if you have sea weed and dead branches, 
you will find some pieces.


A vast forest protect the land. On the left, the
baltic sea and the best area to find Amber.
Looking for the end of the road, to find Russia.

Amber shop on the road which sells among jewelry,
fake pieces of Amber.

On Amber route.

Owner of the workshop with Giedymin.

Amber is most of the time combined to silver.

It is really difficult once in the workshop to know if it is 
from Poland or Russia. The way of regulation of amber is 
quite particular, the majority of amber is kind of illegal.
I will explain in more details the process latter on.

Cutting machine.

Polishing silver.

This is the last part of the making process

Polishing the Amber with wood chip.

This is the first part of the making process


Ceramic beads.

Amber workshop when it has not been exported to China 
produce good quality of product. The size is rather average.
I counted 5 rooms of small size, each rooms has its own function.
Cleaning, polishing, cutting,... I will be more precise latter on.

Workshop opened.

Workshop closed.

After a nice talk about the project, we first went to visit
an Amber workshop.

I met with Giedymin Jablonski, he is one of the first craftmans 
and artists who worked with amber in Poland. 
He will be my guide through my journey in Gdansk.