3244 Tupperware dinner party

1 month, 160 hours of train, 9 countries,...

Nederland, Norway, Finland, Poland, Austria, Rep. Czech, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey.
Dutch ceramic, Scandinavian needlework, Polish Amber, Bohemian glass, Vienese silver, Balkan wood, Turkish carpet.
Mug, Plate, Table cloth, Napkin, Napkin Ring, Glass, Carafe, Candle Holder, Salt Cellar, Cuttlery, Tea Pot, Tea Cup, Table, Carpet, Chair, Bowl, Spoon, Trunk.

This blog was the diary of my journey through Europe. From Norway to Turkey, I met with different artists, different craftmen, different cultures and places...
You can click on older post or in the archive click on the different countries. thank-you

Friday, April 22, 2011


Finish people are very connected to hand work. It was the first country
of  Europe who integrated craft into education in 1860.  And it is also
one of the remaining country that still teach hand work in class.
The value of hand craft is therefore different from our western society. 
Tarmo and his girlfriend were explaining to me that people do not value
define hand work because they feel they can do the same
Finnish people are therefore not that interested on investing in such pieces.

Besides, handmade products are more expensive than all the production
coming from asian culture. The China boom had a real effect on hand work.
Making a pair of socks is actually more expensive than buying an industrial made one.

Both of them are quite involved in education, they have been studying 
to be school teachers. The future of hand craft is one of the issues. 
What to do whith something that is not needed anymore?
 Nowadays people are more looking for learning how to fix things more than how to make them.

This is a small movie made by the finnish TV about Tarmo's work.

Tarmo's laced ties.

Other sample of Tarmo.

Sample made with Tarmo.

Tarmo lacing 2.

Tarmo lacing.

Bobbin winder.

Bobbin winder.

Transportable bobbin lace pillow.

Bobbin mess ;-)

Pattern model of Tarmo.


Rauma lace workshop at Tarmo's appartment.

Tarmo has been lacing since 7 years. He discovered lace when he moved to Rauma,
and wanted to discover everything about his new home. He went to a lace exhibition
and saw Impi lacing. She was talking...talking....and her hand were moving so fast.
She was hardly paying attention to her hands. She taught him the basics for a year.
Then she had to stop because she was really sick. They stayed friends. She left on the night
of black lace during lace week. Since then Tarmo has been learning on his own.

A fox was found in ice
from local newspaper.