3244 Tupperware dinner party

1 month, 160 hours of train, 9 countries,...

Nederland, Norway, Finland, Poland, Austria, Rep. Czech, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey.
Dutch ceramic, Scandinavian needlework, Polish Amber, Bohemian glass, Vienese silver, Balkan wood, Turkish carpet.
Mug, Plate, Table cloth, Napkin, Napkin Ring, Glass, Carafe, Candle Holder, Salt Cellar, Cuttlery, Tea Pot, Tea Cup, Table, Carpet, Chair, Bowl, Spoon, Trunk.

This blog was the diary of my journey through Europe. From Norway to Turkey, I met with different artists, different craftmen, different cultures and places...
You can click on older post or in the archive click on the different countries. thank-you

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Thank you Hilde!!

Ane is a maker but not only she also express her textile work
in a personal and thoughtful way. Her way of working is not only 
about craft but artcraft. It allows her to make steps ahead. 
Steps that the tradition doesn t allow. 
When she is making, it is like meditating to her. 
Wondering about the heritage, the work, 
the time, the stories, the techniques with her helped me 
to define a view on Norvegian craft. 
When I look at the hardanger embroidery, it is so perfect, so precise 
and delicate that it almost doesn t look human. This result is tied up
 to the time consuming, but also to the way of learning.
In our nowaday society, in which we do not take the time anymore 
and where we don t learn at school this special hand work we can wonder 
if hardanger embroidery still fitting in our society the way it is.

Ane working on her Hardanger Embroidery Piece.
"About you questions about tools I use is manly the needle and 
pair of sharp (!) scissors, thats it,  that makes is perfect for traveling. 
I can do with out the lens loop even though I prefer it in the long run. 
 The sharp scissors is maybe the most important tool and thees scissor
s can be very decorative in them self shaped like birds or 
just beautiful decorated. My scissors is plain and boring, only sharp."

Ane traveled with her small atelier and made
 her embroidery work in different space.
Here it is in an airport.


Piece that Ane made during a trip.


Another way to look at Hardanger Embroidery.


Ane Wol Goda's work.

New interview with Ane.

Bergen National Academy of Art Graduation show

at Permanenten.

Tea cuttlery, Marius Hammer. 1900
  The art of Bergen Goldsmiths. Permanenten

Kjenge, Marius Hammer. 1900
           The art of Bergen Goldsmiths. Permanenten

Permanenten, West Norway Museum of Decorative Art.

Take me to your leader
The great escape into space
at the Stenersen Kunstmuseum.

At the Rasmus Meyer Kunstmuseum.

Nikolai Astrup
Neo-romantic painter
at Lysverket Kunstmuseum.

J. C. Dahl
Norvegian lanscape painter
at Lysverket Kunstmuseum.

Bergen Art Museum

Bergen's fish market is one of the most famous market in norway.